Basque leader: Kosovo feeds our resolve

A Basque separatist leader yesterday said that his "struggle was inspired by the Kosovo example".

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 28.02.2008.


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A Basque separatist leader yesterday said that his "struggle was inspired by the Kosovo example". Gabriel Mueska, who spent 17 years in prison for his membership in the terrorist group ETA, was speaking in a French television debate, dubbed "The death of nations", that also included Serb, Albanian and Flemish separatist representatives, and French analysts. Basque leader: Kosovo feeds our resolve "The Basques were exceptionally happy after the declaration of Kosovo's independence," he confided. "I was with the young people when the declaration took place and I did not manage to explain to them why us Basques do not have this possibility for freedom," Mueska said, and added, "the position of those who call themselves the political representatives of France and Europe are completely unclear and criminal." "There's talk about pain, but us, Basques, also carry our pain for hundreds of years," Meuska complained during the program. "It's impermissible, and a U.S. military base in Kosovo points to this, that there is so much hypocrisy here. There are many men wearing good suits, who articulate themselves well, and bring misery to many others," he continued. "We the Basques, one of the oldest nations in Europe, are still fighting for our freedom," Mueska stressed. "I am here to testify as a Basque from an independent Basque country under French administration that we will never, never give up on freedom and the right to decide about our own future," he told the French public. The Basque separatists claim Spanish and French sovereign territories as their land, and have resorted to acts of violence and terrorism in both countries during the past decades. France was one of the first EU countries to recognize Kosovo's illegal unilateral independence, while Spain is one of the strongest opponents of the idea. Yesterday Mueska explained his position: "Basques are on the way to create institutional instruments, for the time being marginal, so that we can tomorrow decide about our present and future." "I am here to tell the responsible French politicians that we are on the road to our freedom, and that the example of Kosovo only feeds our resolve," Mueska concluded.

Basque leader: Kosovo feeds our resolve

"The Basques were exceptionally happy after the declaration of Kosovo's independence," he confided.

"I was with the young people when the declaration took place and I did not manage to explain to them why us Basques do not have this possibility for freedom," Mueska said, and added, "the position of those who call themselves the political representatives of France and Europe are completely unclear and criminal."

"There's talk about pain, but us, Basques, also carry our pain for hundreds of years," Meuska complained during the program.

"It's impermissible, and a U.S. military base in Kosovo points to this, that there is so much hypocrisy here. There are many men wearing good suits, who articulate themselves well, and bring misery to many others," he continued.

"We the Basques, one of the oldest nations in Europe, are still fighting for our freedom," Mueska stressed.

"I am here to testify as a Basque from an independent Basque country under French administration that we will never, never give up on freedom and the right to decide about our own future," he told the French public.

The Basque separatists claim Spanish and French sovereign territories as their land, and have resorted to acts of violence and terrorism in both countries during the past decades.

France was one of the first EU countries to recognize Kosovo's illegal unilateral independence, while Spain is one of the strongest opponents of the idea.

Yesterday Mueska explained his position: "Basques are on the way to create institutional instruments, for the time being marginal, so that we can tomorrow decide about our present and future."

"I am here to tell the responsible French politicians that we are on the road to our freedom, and that the example of Kosovo only feeds our resolve," Mueska concluded.

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