New fighting in Syrian cities after UN vote

More fighting has been reported in Syria’s two main cities as rebels and government forces wrestle for control.

Izvor: EuroNews

Saturday, 04.08.2012.


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DAMASCUS More fighting has been reported in Syria’s two main cities as rebels and government forces wrestle for control. In Damascus a new amateur video is said to show the southern district of Tadamon after it was stormed by the regime’s troops. New fighting in Syrian cities after UN vote More shelling and gunfire have been reported since. The army has been trying to enter the neighborhood for over a week but has been pushed back by the rebels. In Aleppo clashes have been reported in several districts as the rebels resist army bombardments. Pictures filmed in the suburb of Salaheddine showed the aftermath of an attack on a hospital. A powerful explosion hit the building said officials, injuring some volunteers and completely destroying a corridor. The violence follows a vote at the United Nations condemning the regime – and the UN’s own Security Council for failing to act over Syria. Drafted by Saudi Arabia and non-binding, the resolution was passed by a large majority. But it was condemned by China and Russia, who argue the civil war will get worse if the regime falls. Moscow said resolution was tantamount to support for the armed opposition. (Beta) EuroNews

New fighting in Syrian cities after UN vote

More shelling and gunfire have been reported since.

The army has been trying to enter the neighborhood for over a week but has been pushed back by the rebels.

In Aleppo clashes have been reported in several districts as the rebels resist army bombardments.

Pictures filmed in the suburb of Salaheddine showed the aftermath of an attack on a hospital.

A powerful explosion hit the building said officials, injuring some volunteers and completely destroying a corridor.

The violence follows a vote at the United Nations condemning the regime – and the UN’s own Security Council for failing to act over Syria.

Drafted by Saudi Arabia and non-binding, the resolution was passed by a large majority.

But it was condemned by China and Russia, who argue the civil war will get worse if the regime falls. Moscow said resolution was tantamount to support for the armed opposition.

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