Winter equipment, sports fairs open in Belgrade

Former Slovenian skier Jure Košir opened on Thursday the 29th International Fair of Winter Sports Equipment, Tourism and Recreation EXPO-ZIM 2014,

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 27.11.2014.


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Winter equipment, sports fairs open in Belgrade

"I want to thank the organizers for inviting me, I am glad to be here again after four years. Everything is well-organized and I like it very much," Košir said at the opening ceremony.

He is one of Slovenia's most successful Alpine skiers, having won the bronze medal in the men's slalom event at the 1994 Winter Olympics in Lillehammer, finishing second in giant slalom and third in slalom in the 1994-95 World Cup standings.

EXPO-ZIM will be open until November 30.
Also on Thursday at the Belgrade Fair venue, the Sports Fair was opened for the first time. It aims to showcase achievements of professional and amateur sports, as well as that practiced in schools and universities.

The event, declared open by Sports and Youth Minister Vanja Udovičić, will run until November 29.

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