Đinđić, Matić awarded Legion of Honor

French Ambassador Jean-Francois Terral has awarded Legion of Honor medals to the director of the Dr Zoran Đinđić Fund, Ružica Đinđić, and B92 boss Veran Matić.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 22.10.2009.


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French Ambassador Jean-Francois Terral has awarded Legion of Honor medals to the director of the Dr Zoran Djindjic Fund, Ruzica Djindjic, and B92 boss Veran Matic. President Boris Tadic, Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic, Deputy Prime Minister Ivica Dacic and several other ministers attended the award ceremony at the French Embassy in Belgrade. Djindjic, Matic awarded Legion of Honor Terral said that the award to Djindjic was France’s tribute to both her husband, the late Serbian prime minister, but also to “her personal contribution and dignity in continuing his spiritual legacy.” The ambassador emphasized that France fully supported Serbia on its path towards democracy and European integration. Teral called Matic a “humanist, an outstanding journalist and a fighter for the freedom of the press,“ highlighting all B92’s efforts to create a democratic society in Serbia, especially during the 1990s. Djindjic said that the medal she had been awarded today ’’improves the meaning of my life.“ Matic said that he considered the medal a tribute to the promotion of common values, and that France, its authorities, media and non-governmental sector had made a great contribution. The guests at the medal ceremony included numerous representatives of non-governmental organizations, political parties, media, religious communities, as well as members of the diplomatic corps. Veran Matic and Ruzica Djindjic (Tanjug)

Đinđić, Matić awarded Legion of Honor

Terral said that the award to Đinđić was France’s tribute to both her husband, the late Serbian prime minister, but also to “her personal contribution and dignity in continuing his spiritual legacy.”

The ambassador emphasized that France fully supported Serbia on its path towards democracy and European integration.

Teral called Matić a “humanist, an outstanding journalist and a fighter for the freedom of the press,“ highlighting all B92’s efforts to create a democratic society in Serbia, especially during the 1990s.

Đinđić said that the medal she had been awarded today ’’improves the meaning of my life.“

Matić said that he considered the medal a tribute to the promotion of common values, and that France, its authorities, media and non-governmental sector had made a great contribution.

The guests at the medal ceremony included numerous representatives of non-governmental organizations, political parties, media, religious communities, as well as members of the diplomatic corps.

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