Two Serbian campaings finalists of EACA Care Awards

The campaigns "One Photograph a Day" and "Chronicle of Threats" are in the race for the top prize of the European Parliament for socially responsible campaigns.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 16.06.2014.


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Two Serbian campaings finalists of EACA Care Awards

The Commission for Investigating Murders of Journalists and the OSCE launched "Chronicle of Threats," while "One Photo a Day in the Worst Year of My Life" was a B92 Fund campaign and concerns domestic violence. Both, in their own way, triggered a storm on social networks, the media and the public in past year and are now in the finals for the prestigious European Parliament competition.

The same team has twice before won the Grand Prix in this competition.

A total of 73 advertising agencies from 26 countries are competing this year and both campaigns by Saatchi & Saatchi made it among the 32 best from 17 countries - as decided by a jury that selected the final round of the EACA Care Awards.

The finalists will be judged by a jury composed of members of the European Parliament and representatives of agencies and the media. The winners will be announced on November 19, 2014.

"Chronicle of Threats" was launched in December 2013, in the form of an open invitation to the media and journalists to document acts of violence and threats to their editorial staff, reporters and photographers. The aim was to show the public "how journalists feel when they are threatened." For the purpose of the campaign, one out of 100 authentic threats sent to journalists was selected and made public when it was printed in 70,000 copies of the most popular Serbian dailies Blic, Politika and Danas.

At the same time, a video message linked to threats against investigative journalists was published on websites. The threats inserted into newspapers and posted on the internet were intended to put the reader in the position of journalists who receive them daily.

Guided by more than alarming data on domestic violence in Serbia, which in the first two months of 2013 alone claimed the lives of 11 women and two children, while in 2012, 29 women were murdered and 42 indicated that they would have been had they not found shelter in safe houses, the B92 Fund felt the need to react and draw attention to this great problem of our entire society.

The "One Photograph a Day" video campaign rapidly spread through social networks, reaching more than 6.5 million views on YouTube, causing a lot of attention from both traditional and online national and international media - a proof of its own kind about how wide-spread domestic violence is.

The main objective of EACA Care Awards is to highlight the specific contribution of the advertising industry and society by selecting rewarding the strongest and most relevant socially responsible marketing campaign last year. Awards cover topics such as public health, environment, sustainable energy, public safety, disabilities, domestic violence, human rights, child abuse, homelessness, education and other issues important to the community.

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