Two workers fall to their death at Belgrade Waterfront site

Two workers died this morning around 09:30 hours CET at a Belgrade Waterfront construction site, it has been confirmed for

Izvor: B92

Friday, 14.09.2018.


Two workers fall to their death at Belgrade Waterfront site
(Photo: Filip Vidojevic/Prva TV)

Two workers fall to their death at Belgrade Waterfront site

According to a spokesman of this service, Mirko Lutovac, two workers fell from a Strabag-constructed building. The ambulance crews that went to the scene found the bodies of the workers and pronounced them dead.

Emergency teams are still on the ground, while state broadcaster RTS claims that the scenes made eyewitnesses sick.

It is unknown for the moment how the accident happened. The investigation is ongoing, and during the day, a statement from the management of Belgrade Waterfront is expected.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs confirmed to in the meanwhile that two workers had killed at the site.

They said the workers - believed to be in their 20s and 40s - fell from the 22nd floor of the Park View building.

At the end of August in Belgrade a worker was killed at a construction site in Kneza Milos Street, the site of the former US embassy in Belgrade. Two supporting walls collapsed onto him, killing him instantly. The extraction of the body lasted for hours.

After this accident, Belgrade city authorities announced unscheduled inspections of construction sites in the capital.

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