Extreme temperatures expected in Serbia by end of week

Orange meteoalarm (severe weather warning) will be in force in much of Serbia on Thursday due to the extremely high forecast temperatures.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 14.06.2016.


Extreme temperatures expected in Serbia by end of week

Extreme temperatures expected in Serbia by end of week

Temperatures will reach 40 degrees Celsius by the end of this week, the national meteorological authority, RHMZ, has announced. This means that over the course of three days, air temperatures will have risen by more than 15 degrees in some parts of Serbia.

Belgrade is reporting a high of 24 degrees on Tuesday - while 38 degrees are expected on Friday. Novi Sad is forecast to experience 35 degrees on that day, while today's 22 degrees in Nis will rise to 36 on Thursday, 39 on Friday, and 40 on Saturday.

Citizens are advised to be careful, aware of the risks, and follow the advice given by the authorities, RHMZ said.

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