Part of Ibar regional road lane collapses

A landslide has collapsed a part of one lane on the Ibar regional road near Bogutovac on the Kraljevo-Raska section, restricting traffic to only one lane.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 06.04.2015.


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Part of Ibar regional road lane collapses

Head of the Emergency Situations Department in Kraljevo Radoica Kocovic told Beta earlier that signs have been placed on the road to warn drivers after the lane "collapsed into a canyon."

According to him, the road is passable, but has "minor landslides," of which the one near Pivnica is "the most problematic."

Official of the public company Novi Pazar Miroslav Pajevic who told Tanjug that ten days ago a part of the barrier fell off, and that during the weekend "a part of a lane on the Kraljevo-Raska road near Bogutovac also collapsed."

"Project documentation is being prepared and as soon as we have our first design solution we will start the works," he said.

B92 learned from the public enterprise Putevi Srbije (Roads of Serbia) that "all information about this event can be found on the website of the company," and that further inquiries should be sent by email.

The company has not yet replied to questions about works to repair the road, whether it is completely safe, what advice it had for drivers, and whether the remaining part of the road was also under threat.
Heavy rainfall over the weekend also activated existing landslides in Gokcanica, Pekcanica and in the direction of Goc, while new ones emerged in Gledic and Stanca.

Meanwhile, the Western Morava River broke its banks in the Kraljevo municipality region flooding the Grdica-Oplanici road that is closed to traffic.

Radoica Kocovic said that the Western Morava flooded fields, but that households are not in danger, while the Ibar River was "on the verge of flooding," while the wells providing water for Kraljevo "are still not in jeopardy."

According to this official, melting snow in the surrounding hills could cause more problems if air temperatures rise rapidly.

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