Young Serbians specialize in Austria

A group of 42 students and postgraduates will leave for a three-month internship program in Austrian companies.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 04.10.2007.


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A group of 42 students and postgraduates will leave for a three-month internship program in Austrian companies. The program is implemented in the organization of the Zoran Djindjic Fund and with the financial support of the Austrian government. Young Serbians specialize in Austria At a reception held late on Wednesday President Boris Tadic invited the beneficiaries of scholarships from the Fund to "bring back work ethics from Austria," stressing that the difference between developed and undeveloped countries was not the quality of people, commitment to work and self-discipline of workers. Deputy Prime Minister Bozidar Djelic also spoke about the importance of promotion of work ethics in Serbia and said that Serbs did not miss talents, but that the talents missed prominent managerial skills. Austrian Ambassador to Serbia Gerhard Jandl said that young participants in this program would have a better chance of getting employment once they returned to Serbia, since they would get invaluable work experience. Ruzica Djindjic, Boris Tadic, at last night's reception (Beta)

Young Serbians specialize in Austria

At a reception held late on Wednesday President Boris Tadić invited the beneficiaries of scholarships from the Fund to "bring back work ethics from Austria," stressing that the difference between developed and undeveloped countries was not the quality of people, commitment to work and self-discipline of workers.

Deputy Prime Minister Božidar Đelić also spoke about the importance of promotion of work ethics in Serbia and said that Serbs did not miss talents, but that the talents missed prominent managerial skills.

Austrian Ambassador to Serbia Gerhard Jandl said that young participants in this program would have a better chance of getting employment once they returned to Serbia, since they would get invaluable work experience.

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