Serbian royals exhumed ahead of burial in homeland

The remains of three members of the Krađorđević royal family have been exhumed at a cemetery in the city of Lausanne, Switzerland.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 28.09.2012.


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LAUSANNE The remains of three members of the Kradjordjevic royal family have been exhumed at a cemetery in the city of Lausanne, Switzerland. Prince Pavle, Princess Olga, and Prince Nikola will be reburied with highest state honors in Oplenac, central Serbia, in the crypt of the Church of St. George, where their ancestors have also been laid to rest. Serbian royals exhumed ahead of burial in homeland Serbia's public broadcaster RTS reported on Friday that this would take place on October 6. The three Karadjordjevic's will lie in state in Belgrade's Cathedral Church of St. Michael the Archangel on October 4 and 5, where liturgies will also be served. (Tanjug) The organizing committee set up to arrange for the transfer of the remains, chaired by Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic, on September 21 unanimously decided to allow for Pavle, Olga and Nikola Karadjordjevic to be buried in Oplenac. Prince Pavle Karadjordjevic, the Yugoslav Kingdom's regent in the 1930s, was declared "a war criminal" and stripped of his civil rights and property by the post-WW2 Yugoslav Communist authorities. However, this ruling, made in 1945, was overturned by a decision of a Serbian court in December 2011, when the late royal was politically rehabilitated. Prince Pavle's daugther Jelisaveta (Elizabeth) Karadjordjevic, and his granddaugher Catherine Oxenberg (Tanjug) Tanjug

Serbian royals exhumed ahead of burial in homeland

Serbia's public broadcaster RTS reported on Friday that this would take place on October 6.

The three Karađorđević's will lie in state in Belgrade's Cathedral Church of St. Michael the Archangel on October 4 and 5, where liturgies will also be served.
The organizing committee set up to arrange for the transfer of the remains, chaired by Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić, on September 21 unanimously decided to allow for Pavle, Olga and Nikola Karađorđević to be buried in Oplenac.

Prince Pavle Karađorđević, the Yugoslav Kingdom's regent in the 1930s, was declared "a war criminal" and stripped of his civil rights and property by the post-WW2 Yugoslav Communist authorities.

However, this ruling, made in 1945, was overturned by a decision of a Serbian court in December 2011, when the late royal was politically rehabilitated.

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