Serbia to follow WHO flu recommendations

Serbia will adhere to all WHO recommendations for monitoring the swine ’flu epidemic, says Deputy Health Minister Svetlana Mijatović.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 28.04.2009.


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Serbia will adhere to all WHO recommendations for monitoring the swine ’flu epidemic, says Deputy Health Minister Svetlana Mijatovic. Speaking to B92, she stressed that the authorities had been following the spread of the virus closely since the very beginning. Serbia to follow WHO flu recommendations The World Health Organization’s recommendations will be conveyed to all health institutions. “What’s important is monitoring the recommendations of the WHO, which will convene today, where there’ll be a more detailed explanation not only of the epidemic situation, but also the opinion of experts on how a suspected case can be defined,“ said Mijatovic. There was still no need for borders to be shut, she stressed. “A sanitary inspection, together with MUP, is checking travelers, and the WHO’s recommendation for the time being is that there should be no blockage of people or goods, at least that’s how the epidemic situation dictates for now, while the media and all the agencies throughout the world, as well as our own, are constantly informing the public that if anyone feels ill, or is coming from a contaminated area, to consult the authorities at any airport in the world, wherever they happen to land, in order to reach the nearest health situation as quickly as possible,“ the deputy minister explained. Flights and holidays to Mexico and the U.S. have yet to be canceled, and the advice to citizens traveling to infected countries is to take precautions in terms of immunity and to maintain personal hygiene.

Serbia to follow WHO flu recommendations

The World Health Organization’s recommendations will be conveyed to all health institutions.

“What’s important is monitoring the recommendations of the WHO, which will convene today, where there’ll be a more detailed explanation not only of the epidemic situation, but also the opinion of experts on how a suspected case can be defined,“ said Mijatović.

There was still no need for borders to be shut, she stressed.

“A sanitary inspection, together with MUP, is checking travelers, and the WHO’s recommendation for the time being is that there should be no blockage of people or goods, at least that’s how the epidemic situation dictates for now, while the media and all the agencies throughout the world, as well as our own, are constantly informing the public that if anyone feels ill, or is coming from a contaminated area, to consult the authorities at any airport in the world, wherever they happen to land, in order to reach the nearest health situation as quickly as possible,“ the deputy minister explained.

Flights and holidays to Mexico and the U.S. have yet to be canceled, and the advice to citizens traveling to infected countries is to take precautions in terms of immunity and to maintain personal hygiene.

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