Serbian youth world's best young mathematician

Teodor fon Burg has won his fourth gold medal at the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) taking place from July 4 to 16 in Argentina.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 16.07.2012.


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BELGRADE Teodor fon Burg has won his fourth gold medal at the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) taking place from July 4 to 16 in Argentina. This former student of the Mathematical High School in Belgrade thus become the most successful competitor of all time, the school announced on its website. Serbian youth world's best young mathematician In addition to his four golds, Fon Burg has won one silver and one bronze. Previous winners of the IMO include 11 Fields Medal winners and around 20 winners of the most prestigious awards in the fields of mathematics and IT. Fon Burg became a student of the Mathematical High School as part of an experimental seventh grade class. He graduated this year and will go on to study at Oxford. He started competing at IMOs while still in elementary school - winning a bronze in Vietnam in 2007 and a silver in Spain in 2008. The following four years brought a string of gold medals - in Germany, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands and finally in Argentina. Teodor fon Burg (file) Tanjug

Serbian youth world's best young mathematician

In addition to his four golds, Fon Burg has won one silver and one bronze.

Previous winners of the IMO include 11 Fields Medal winners and around 20 winners of the most prestigious awards in the fields of mathematics and IT.

Fon Burg became a student of the Mathematical High School as part of an experimental seventh grade class. He graduated this year and will go on to study at Oxford.

He started competing at IMOs while still in elementary school - winning a bronze in Vietnam in 2007 and a silver in Spain in 2008.

The following four years brought a string of gold medals - in Germany, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands and finally in Argentina.

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