The Presidency of BiH on recognizing the so-called Kosovo: That is the reality VIDEO

BiH Presidency Chairman Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic voted for Bosnia-Herzegovina to recognize Kosovo, while Milorad Dodik was against it

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 17.09.2020.


The Presidency of BiH on recognizing the so-called Kosovo: That is the reality VIDEO
Ilustracija: Depositphotos/ boldg

The Presidency of BiH on recognizing the so-called Kosovo: That is the reality VIDEO

This was confirmed by Komsic, who addressed the media after today's regular session of the Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

"Mr Dodik did not accept the recognition of Kosovo as an independent state, we voted 2-1 for that decision. Dodik was against and it will be a topic in the coming weeks. It is to be expected that Dodik will request a NSRS session and present those topics where Kosovo is connected. It's a risky story that could escalate into a secession story, and I guess you all know where that would lead," Komsic said.

Dodik is now expected to withdraw the issue of vital entity interest and refer the point of recognizing Kosovo to the NSRS, where it is already certain that he will receive support.

When it comes to the second extraordinary session at which it was voted on the transfer of the BiH embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Dodik, as expected, supported it as the initiator, while Komšić and Džaferović voted against it.

"We did not support it, of course, because it would be, among other things, against the UN resolution, and Bosnia-Herzegovina supported that resolution. It means that moving the BiH Embassy would violate that same resolution. Then imagine how it is viewed in Arab countries," Komsic said.

Komsic said that Dodik referred to the agreement in Washington and interfered with what Aleksandar Vucic and Avdullah Hoti agreed on, and that he should be consistent with regard to Kosovo.

"Kosovo is a reality, Kosovo is an independent state and we all know that. Running away from what Dodik will say is a bit of the policy of an ostrich pushing its head into the sand in the face of danger," Komsic said, adding that anyone who fears a decision like recognizing Kosovo shouldn't sit in the Presidency of BiH.

When it comes to "Mini Schengen" initiative, the Presidency supported the decision, but it first needs to examine well how that cooperation was conceived.

It was ordered that the Council of Ministers analyze and inform the Presidency what joining this initiative would mean for Bosnia-Herzegovina, how it corresponds to other initiatives in the region and the like.

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