Bosnia asked to "check persons and activities" after attacks

Police agencies in Bosnia-Herzegovina have received requests from Interpol to check "some persons and activities" in connection with the Paris attacks.

Izvor: Beta

Monday, 16.11.2015.


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Bosnia asked to "check persons and activities" after attacks

A meeting of the Task Working Group on Combating Terrorism was held in Sarajevo. It consists of representatives of the Prosecutor's Office and intelligence and police structures in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the two entities - the Serb Republic (RS) and the Muslim-Croat Federation (FBiH).

Bosnian Security Minister Dragan Mektic said there was "strong cooperation with French intelligence services and police agencies in Bosnia-Herzegovina."

"Through Interpol, we exchange information with them and together we are looking for a certain number of people for whom there are indications of involvement in terrorist attacks in Paris," said Mektic.

The Directorate said it already, in cooperation with other police agencies, took measures to protect diplomatic and consular missions, in particular the French embassy and other institutions which have ties with France.

He stated that the Council of Ministers will "very actively and consistently continue to implement the strategy for the fight against terrorism and all forms of extremism and give any assistance to police and intelligence agencies, particularly the Prosecution of Bosnia-Herzegovina."

Chairman of the Council of Ministers Denis Zvizdic said he will very soon reactivate all bodies under the Strategy, "which will be exclusively responsible for the fight against terrorism and extremism."

According to him, this is primarily related to "the operating and strike groups, with the aim of timely exchange of information, preventive action and effective fight against terrorism and all other forms of crime."

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