"Only Serb member of Bosnian presidency accepts invitation"

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar <a href="http://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics.php?yyyy=2015&mm=07&dd=14&nav_id=94763" class="text-link" target= "_blank">Vucic's invitation</a> to Bosnian Presidency members to visit Belgrade has so far been accepted only by Mladen Ivanic.

Izvor: Vecernje novosti

Wednesday, 15.07.2015.


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(Tanjug, file)

"Only Serb member of Bosnian presidency accepts invitation"

Ivanic chairs the presidency and represents Serbs in this body.

He told the paper that Vucic's invitation was "yet another move of a statesman" that "contributed to reconciliation and calming of passions."

"In the spirit of strengthening good-neighborly relations, I expect the visit and the meetings to take place as soon as possible. All politician in Bosnia-Herzegovina, together with the statesmen of Serbia, must work together on reconciliation and calming of the situation," said Ivanic.

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