"US taking responsibility for EU, Europe, Balkans"

The new US administration's message is that it is taking responsibility for stability, prosperity and peace in Europe, in the EU, and in the Western Balkans.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 11.08.2017.



"US taking responsibility for EU, Europe, Balkans"

Kacin also thinks that this was "the right message at the right time addressed to our continent, the world and to some who are not a factor of stability in the region."

"Since Montenegro has recently become a member of NATO, the arrival of Pence was also a visit to an ally, and even a congratulations to Montenegro, which has taken on all responsibilities and responsibilities in the Alliance," Kacin told the daily Pobjeda.

The Slovenian ambassador says that Pence was in Montenegro "for several reasons."

"He gave a strong message and support of the US to the whole region and to some countries that responded with an adequate presence of the highest representatives of the countries of the region. By the level of presence, it is possible to clearly evaluate the interest of these countries to improve and deepen cooperation with the United States," says Kacin.

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