Cyprus interest in cooperation with Croatia

Cyprus President Tassos Papadopoulos made an official visit to Croatia.

Izvor: Financial Mirror

Thursday, 09.11.2006.


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Cyprus interest in cooperation with Croatia

The Cypriot delegation comprises mainly representatives of the agricultural, financial, legal, insurance and educational sectors.

President of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry Manthos Mavrommatis told CNA that the Chamber is participating in the delegation with an aim ''to develop bilateral business relations between Cyprus and Croatia.''

''We believe there is room and also prospects to enhance bilateral trade,'' he said, noting that ''what we are interest in is promoting Cyprus as an international business centre and this is why the economic forum is being held in cooperation with the Croatian chambers, during which we will have the opportunity, beyond bilateral business meetings, to present Cyprus as such an international business centre.''

Mavrommatis noted that Croatia, a candidate for EU membership, ''is showing an interest'' in developing bilateral economic relations.

Director General of the Employers and Industrialists Federation (OEV), Michalis Pilikos, told CNA that the aim of the visit was to investigate the possibilities of developing economic relations with Croatia, noting that the main sector of cooperation at the moment was in the agricultural sector with Croatia being ''one of our most important markets'' for potatoes.

He said the Croats have expressed ''great interest'' in tourism and financial services, noting that ''there are possibilities'' which will be investigated with the economic forum and that ''we have with us a strong delegation of the agricultural sector and representatives of banking, insurance and legal services.''

Director General of the Cyprus Potato Trade Council Panayiotis Stavrou told CNA that prospects for exporting potatoes to Croatia in 2007 were ''very good'' and that there had been an increase in demand.

He added that Cyprus began exporting potatoes to Croatia in 1996, when the demand was for about 300 tons per year, while now exports reach 2,500 tons per year.

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