Violence mars Macedonia election rally

Violence marred Thursday’s election rally by Macedonia’s main ethnic Albanian opposition party in the northwest town of Tetovo.

Izvor: BIRN

Friday, 30.05.2008.


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Violence marred Thursday’s election rally by Macedonia’s main ethnic Albanian opposition party in the northwest town of Tetovo. According to local media the hostilities began prior to the rally when some Democratic Union of Integration, DUI, activists who were on their way to attend the event organiyed by their party were hampered by activists of the ruling Democratic Party of Albanians, DPA. Violence mars Macedonia election rally DUI activists told media that two of their activists were beaten in a clash by a group of DPA members holding firearms. The police confirmed the incident but did not say who was responsible. In a separate incident, police confirmed DUI activists attacked an ethnic Macedonian boy who was playing basketball on the street. They were allegedly provoked by a message on his t-shirt which read “Macedonia – Dukes.” During the DUI rally, police found the vehicle of the perpetrators and arrested one of them. This provoked discontent among some DUI activists who went on to block one of the key intersections in the city in an act of protest. They claimed that several DUI members were arrested for no reason and demanded their immediate release. The blockade lasted until the early hours on Friday. These are the latest in a series of violent incidents which have marred the election campaign. Most of the violence has taken place between rival supporters of the two ethnic Albanian parties, the DUI and the DPA. Earlier this month the DUI leader Ali Ahmeti claimed he was the target of an assassination attempt. Security around was tight for Thursday’s event and media later broadcast footage of security guards rushing to shield Ahmeti when gunshots were heard during the rally. Around 1.7 million voters will choose a new parliament in the country’s first ever snap general elections on Sunday. The pre-election silence begins later on Friday at midnight. The international community says the elections must be free and fair if the country hopes to secure a firm date for European Union accession talks by the end of the year.

Violence mars Macedonia election rally

DUI activists told media that two of their activists were beaten in a clash by a group of DPA members holding firearms. The police confirmed the incident but did not say who was responsible.

In a separate incident, police confirmed DUI activists attacked an ethnic Macedonian boy who was playing basketball on the street. They were allegedly provoked by a message on his t-shirt which read “Macedonia – Dukes.”

During the DUI rally, police found the vehicle of the perpetrators and arrested one of them. This provoked discontent among some DUI activists who went on to block one of the key intersections in the city in an act of protest. They claimed that several DUI members were arrested for no reason and demanded their immediate release.

The blockade lasted until the early hours on Friday.

These are the latest in a series of violent incidents which have marred the election campaign. Most of the violence has taken place between rival supporters of the two ethnic Albanian parties, the DUI and the DPA.

Earlier this month the DUI leader Ali Ahmeti claimed he was the target of an assassination attempt.

Security around was tight for Thursday’s event and media later broadcast footage of security guards rushing to shield Ahmeti when gunshots were heard during the rally.

Around 1.7 million voters will choose a new parliament in the country’s first ever snap general elections on Sunday. The pre-election silence begins later on Friday at midnight.

The international community says the elections must be free and fair if the country hopes to secure a firm date for European Union accession talks by the end of the year.

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