Election silence begins in Montenegro

Election silence has begun before local elections scheduled for Sunday in Montenegro.

Izvor: FoNet

Saturday, 22.05.2010.


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Election silence has begun before local elections scheduled for Sunday in Montenegro. Voters will cast ballots for local assembly officials in Podgorica, Andrijevica, Bar, Berane, Bijelo Polje, Danilovgrad, Zabljak, Kolasin, Plav, Pluzine, Pljevlja, Rozaje, Ulcin and Savnik. Election silence begins in Montenegro There will also be voting for the city assemblies of Golubovci and Tuzi. The Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) and the Social Democratic Party (SDP) will be participating together in nine municipalities. Polling stations will open at 8:00 and close at 21:00 CET, Radio Television Montenegro announced. International observers or non-governmental organizations will not monitor the local elections.

Election silence begins in Montenegro

There will also be voting for the city assemblies of Golubovci and Tuzi.

The Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) and the Social Democratic Party (SDP) will be participating together in nine municipalities.

Polling stations will open at 8:00 and close at 21:00 CET, Radio Television Montenegro announced.

International observers or non-governmental organizations will not monitor the local elections.

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