Bosnian party shaken after Belgrade visit

Croat member of Bosnia's Presidency Željko Komšić has submitted his resignation to all party duties at the Social-Democratic Party of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Izvor: Beta

Tuesday, 20.03.2012.


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Croat member of Bosnia's Presidency Zeljko Komsic has submitted his resignation to all party duties at the Social-Democratic Party of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Komsic informed SDP leader Zlatko Lagumdzija of his decision, as well as of the reason behind it, Sarajevo-based TV1 reported. Bosnian party shaken after Belgrade visit According to this television outlet, the reason was a clash between the two, which reached the point of breaking last week after Lagumdzija, in his capacity as Bosnia's foreign minister, visited Belgrade. There, Lagumdzija supported the bid of Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic to become the next president of the UN General Assembly. Komsic, however, previously "spoke negatively" about Jeremic's candidature - "so he took the news that Lagumdzija spoke differently in Belgrade as a humiliation", said the report. TV1 added that the SDP is yet to issue any official reaction, but that Komsic would continue to serve as a member of the presidency, "because that is a mandate given to him by the citizens of Bosnia-Herzegovina". Beta

Bosnian party shaken after Belgrade visit

According to this television outlet, the reason was a clash between the two, which reached the point of breaking last week after Lagumdžija, in his capacity as Bosnia's foreign minister, visited Belgrade.

There, Lagumdžija supported the bid of Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić to become the next president of the UN General Assembly.

Komšić, however, previously "spoke negatively" about Jeremić's candidature - "so he took the news that Lagumdžija spoke differently in Belgrade as a humiliation", said the report.

TV1 added that the SDP is yet to issue any official reaction, but that Komšić would continue to serve as a member of the presidency, "because that is a mandate given to him by the citizens of Bosnia-Herzegovina".

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