Greece reacts strongly to Skopje statue plans

Greece has decided to inform its partners, allies and international organizations about plans for a monument to be constructed in Skopje.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 16.06.2011.


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Greece has decided to inform its partners, allies and international organizations about plans for a monument to be constructed in Skopje. Athens believes that the decision to build the monument, named "Warrior on a Horse", is an act of provocation. Greece reacts strongly to Skopje statue plans The Greek media report that the image of the warrior is in fact that of Alexander the Great. The two countries have been locked in the so-called name dispute for almost two decades. Greece insists that its neighbor to the north cannot use its constitutional name of the Republic of Macedonia, considering that Macedonia is the name of Greece's northern province. Skopje was admitted to the UN under the name of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FRYOM). Now, according to reports, Athens announced that the decision to erect the monument apparently depicting the Greek national hero went against the pronouncements of Macedonian authorities that they were truly dedicated to finding a solution to the dispute as soon as possible. The Greek Foreign Ministry also warned that there would be "unavoidable consequences on FRYOM's Euro-Atlantic perspectives". Greece has already blocked Macedonia from joining NATO over the name dispute. The ministry also said that a monument dedicated to Alexander the Great in Skopje's central square would be viewed as an honor to Greece, but that in this case, it was "directly geared towards the appropriation of Greek history with the aim of stirring up nationalism and conflict". The 12-meter statue will be perched on top of a ten-meter high pedestal, surrounded by a fountain. The project will cost EUR 9.4mn. (

Greece reacts strongly to Skopje statue plans

The Greek media report that the image of the warrior is in fact that of Alexander the Great.

The two countries have been locked in the so-called name dispute for almost two decades. Greece insists that its neighbor to the north cannot use its constitutional name of the Republic of Macedonia, considering that Macedonia is the name of Greece's northern province.

Skopje was admitted to the UN under the name of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FRYOM).

Now, according to reports, Athens announced that the decision to erect the monument apparently depicting the Greek national hero went against the pronouncements of Macedonian authorities that they were truly dedicated to finding a solution to the dispute as soon as possible.

The Greek Foreign Ministry also warned that there would be "unavoidable consequences on FRYOM's Euro-Atlantic perspectives".

Greece has already blocked Macedonia from joining NATO over the name dispute.

The ministry also said that a monument dedicated to Alexander the Great in Skopje's central square would be viewed as an honor to Greece, but that in this case, it was "directly geared towards the appropriation of Greek history with the aim of stirring up nationalism and conflict".

The 12-meter statue will be perched on top of a ten-meter high pedestal, surrounded by a fountain. The project will cost EUR 9.4mn.

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