Pacolli steps down, will try again

Behgjet Pacolli yesterday stepped down as Kosovo's president after his appointment was found to have been "unconstitutional".

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 31.03.2011.


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Behgjet Pacolli yesterday stepped down as Kosovo's president after his appointment was found to have been "unconstitutional". But the Kosovo Albanian businessman and politician is preparing another bid for the same position. Pacolli steps down, will try again Acting President of Pacolli's Alliance for New Kosovo Ibrahim Makoli confirmed this to reporters in Pristina. Makoli said the ruling coalition, made up of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, the Alliance for New Kosovo, and minority parties, had agreed to nominate Pacolli once again. Kosovo Albanian Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said that the assembly in Pristina would elect a new president next week, adding he hoped the opposition would help find solutions for the "newly emerged situation". Reports are saying, however, that it remains unclear whether the assembly will manage to elect a new president, considering that the ruling coalition does not have a majority, while the opposition does not appear to be ready to take part in the voting. Behgjet Pacolli (Beta)

Pacolli steps down, will try again

Acting President of Pacolli's Alliance for New Kosovo Ibrahim Makoli confirmed this to reporters in Priština.

Makoli said the ruling coalition, made up of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, the Alliance for New Kosovo, and minority parties, had agreed to nominate Pacolli once again.

Kosovo Albanian Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said that the assembly in Priština would elect a new president next week, adding he hoped the opposition would help find solutions for the "newly emerged situation".

Reports are saying, however, that it remains unclear whether the assembly will manage to elect a new president, considering that the ruling coalition does not have a majority, while the opposition does not appear to be ready to take part in the voting.

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