State killed journalist, says deputy PM

The state carried out the liquidation of Slavko Ćuruvija, said First Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić, adding that the perpetrators are still alive.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 30.12.2013.


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BELGRADE The state carried out the liquidation of Slavko Curuvija, said First Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, adding that the perpetrators are still alive. Vucic was a guest on TV Pink when he said that he was speaking as somebody in the legal profession, and stressed that it will soon be "shown and proven" that Curuvija was liquidated by the state, the authorities that killed dissidents and opponents. State killed journalist, says deputy PM "It is a terrible problem for our country," Vucic said, adding that it was clear that these were the authorities that he was a part of, but said he "did not participate, nor new anything about it." According to him, it took a lot of pressure on the authorities to get to the facts and said that the Commission to Investigate Murders of Journalist, with a lot of effort, showed determination to solve the case. He pointed out that in the last 14 years since the murder of Slavko Curuvije there was an attempt "to spin with the stories" that the perpetrators were long among the living and thus abandon the investigation, and said that the perpetrators were still alive. Vucic said that there are "a lot of terrible things that we have to face," giving the example of the murder of Serbs in the cafe Panda in Kosovo in 199, which said there was no evidence that the murder was committed by Albanians, "as it was believed." Speaking about Serbia's membership in the EU, Vucic said that the goal to join in 2020 was hard to realize, but "a possible goal." He said that the Serbian foreign policy proved to be a serious partner and had good relations with Russia, America and China "like never in history." The SNS party leader also said that the citizens can expect the first six months of 2014 to be be very difficult, but that by the end of next year, "people will see the light at the end of the tunnel and begin to find it easier to live." Speaking about the possible early elections, Vucic said that there are "interest groups willing to invest at least EUR 100 million in a campaign against the SNS". He said that he told his to his party colleagues who are in favor of early elections. However, Vucic added that it will accept their position "if there is a bad atmosphere and if there is insistence on the question of legitimacy." Vucic said that "behind the scenes and around the trial of Miroslav MIskovic a proper underground war is being waged," and that there was "media pressure and a campaign which involves almost all the media, and even some state-owned, in order to show me as a dictator and Miskovic a humble man with a only one jacket, who pays taxes. " "Big TV outlets are made, which are funded from the same resources and which needed to create the impression that Serbia is an autocratic state, and that I am a dictator," Vucic said, noting that "Miskovic's lobbyists used a similar tactic to the one that depicted Putin as an evil dictator, and Khodorkovsky as a saint." He reiterated that "the most important thing was that the court gives the final word in the case against Miskovic." (Beta, file) B92 Tanjug

State killed journalist, says deputy PM

"It is a terrible problem for our country," Vučić said, adding that it was clear that these were the authorities that he was a part of, but said he "did not participate, nor new anything about it."

According to him, it took a lot of pressure on the authorities to get to the facts and said that the Commission to Investigate Murders of Journalist, with a lot of effort, showed determination to solve the case.

He pointed out that in the last 14 years since the murder of Slavko Ćuruvije there was an attempt "to spin with the stories" that the perpetrators were long among the living and thus abandon the investigation, and said that the perpetrators were still alive.

Vučić said that there are "a lot of terrible things that we have to face," giving the example of the murder of Serbs in the cafe Panda in Kosovo in 199, which said there was no evidence that the murder was committed by Albanians, "as it was believed."

Speaking about Serbia's membership in the EU, Vučić said that the goal to join in 2020 was hard to realize, but "a possible goal."

He said that the Serbian foreign policy proved to be a serious partner and had good relations with Russia, America and China "like never in history."

The SNS party leader also said that the citizens can expect the first six months of 2014 to be be very difficult, but that by the end of next year, "people will see the light at the end of the tunnel and begin to find it easier to live."

Speaking about the possible early elections, Vučić said that there are "interest groups willing to invest at least EUR 100 million in a campaign against the SNS".

He said that he told his to his party colleagues who are in favor of early elections.

However, Vučić added that it will accept their position "if there is a bad atmosphere and if there is insistence on the question of legitimacy."

Vučić said that "behind the scenes and around the trial of Miroslav MIšković a proper underground war is being waged," and that there was "media pressure and a campaign which involves almost all the media, and even some state-owned, in order to show me as a dictator and Mišković a humble man with a only one jacket, who pays taxes. "

"Big TV outlets are made, which are funded from the same resources and which needed to create the impression that Serbia is an autocratic state, and that I am a dictator," Vučić said, noting that "Mišković's lobbyists used a similar tactic to the one that depicted Putin as an evil dictator, and Khodorkovsky as a saint."

He reiterated that "the most important thing was that the court gives the final word in the case against Mišković."

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