“UN mission should submit realistic report”

The UN fact-finding mission’s report should reflect reality witnessed in Kosovo, Sanda Rašković-Ivić says.

Izvor: Beta

Monday, 30.04.2007.


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“UN mission should submit realistic report”

“I think they cannot give a positive report of the implementation of UN resolution 1244,” Rašković-Ivić said.

“That is why we believe it is necessary to continue talks, since we have witnessed that introducing the status issue only aggravates the implementation of standards,” she argued.

Rašković-Ivić said a new round of negotiation would likely commence this fall, as the UN Security Council is expected to discuss the mission’s report in May.

“Ahead of fresh talks, the Council should appoint new international envoy in lieu of Martti Ahtisaari,” Rašković-Ivić concluded.

“Belgrade creates disagreement”

Serb List for Kosovo official Ranđel Nojkić said that a bone of contention among Serbs in Kosovo originated from Belgrade and its official position regarding Kosovo.

“After talking to the UN ambassadors, I gained an impression that Ahtisaari’s plan may be altered in its portion that outlines the protection of Kosovo Serbs and their rights.”

Nojkić, however, said he did not expect for it to happen, since Serbia, its negotiating team, the Government and Parliament discarded Ahtisaari’s plan in its entirety, deeming it unacceptable.

In his opinion, the UN mission’s visit could only serve as a courteous gesture from the international community, without any genuine impact on the UN envoy’s plan.

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