Jeremić to attend SEECP foreign ministers meeting

Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić will participate on Wednesday in Montenegro in a meeting of foreign ministers of the South East Europe Cooperation Process (SEECP).

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 28.06.2011.


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Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic will participate on Wednesday in Montenegro in a meeting of foreign ministers of the South East Europe Cooperation Process (SEECP). This was confirmed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Jeremic to attend SEECP foreign ministers meeting This regional initiative is currently chaired by Montenegro, which will be succeeded by Serbia. The South East Europe Cooperation Process is a regional initiative founded in June 1996 at a meeting of foreign ministers from Southeast Europe (SEE) in Sofia in order to promote and strengthen good-neighborly relations among the SEE countries and transform the region into a zone of peace, security, stability and cooperation. Besides Serbia, and Montenegro, SEECP includes ten other countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Slovenia and Turkey. On Thursday in the seaside resort of Becici, SEECP will hold a summit of heads of state and government of member countries. Vuk Jeremic (Tanjug, file)

Jeremić to attend SEECP foreign ministers meeting

This regional initiative is currently chaired by Montenegro, which will be succeeded by Serbia.

The South East Europe Cooperation Process is a regional initiative founded in June 1996 at a meeting of foreign ministers from Southeast Europe (SEE) in Sofia in order to promote and strengthen good-neighborly relations among the SEE countries and transform the region into a zone of peace, security, stability and cooperation.

Besides Serbia, and Montenegro, SEECP includes ten other countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Slovenia and Turkey.

On Thursday in the seaside resort of Bečići, SEECP will hold a summit of heads of state and government of member countries.

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