"No indication of permanent solution to migration problem"

Serbia is ready to take over the burden of the migrant crisis, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Nebojsa Stefanovic has said.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 27.06.2017.



"No indication of permanent solution to migration problem"

Speaking during a meeting of regional MARRI initiative in Belgrade on Tuesday, Stefanovic "pointed out that Serbia is still waiting for specific guidelines from the European Union regarding the attitude towards economic migrants and how to be more effective in readmission, especially with countries with which Serbia and some EU countries do not have agreements."

The problem of the migrant crisis is becoming constant, without any concrete prospects that it could soon be resolved and overcome, he warned, adding that, therefore, we must hear the answer from Europe about what we will do if the number of migrants in the future increases.

Stefanovic expressed the belief that the common goal of all participants in the MARRI initiative is to finally find a lasting and sustainable solution to the problem of illegal migration, trafficking in human beings and a large number of refugees on the Balkan route.

"In Serbia there are currently fewer than 6,000 migrants accommodated in reception centers, which is the number of migrants we can receive and provide them with decent housing and food, roofs and overall health care," the minister said.

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