Banjska still under blockade

The tension in Kosovo and Metohija is not decreasing after the conflict between Serbs and members of the so-called Kosovo police on Sunday morning in Banjska.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 26.09.2023.


Banjska still under blockade
Tanjug/AP Photo/Visar Kryeziu

Banjska still under blockade

In the village of Banjska, which is still under blockade, three more Serbs were arrested, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced.

Jarinje and Brnjak are still blocked for passage from central Serbia, and you can only exit from the territory of Kosovo and Metohija.

Currently, passage from central Serbia to Kosovo and Metohija is possible only at the Merdare administrative point.

"Pristina used the event in Zvečan as a reason for terror"

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petković said that Pristina used the event in Zvečan on Sunday as an occasion for "the most naked terror in the north of Kosovo and Metohija where Kurti's special forces are harassing Serbian civilians throughout the day" and sent his condolences to the families of the killed Serbs and the killed Albanian policeman.

"If KFOR and EULEX have been passive in the past year against Kurti's terror, regardless of the fact that we warned almost daily that the situation could get out of control, now is the last moment for them to take decisive measures to stop the rampage of the Albanian police in the north of Kosovo and Metohija", the announcement states.

He appealed to the international community to urgently take concrete steps so that, as he stated, "Kurti's war and occupation policy would be curbed, and the region would be spared another setback to the hard-won peace".

Religious worshipers from Banjska arrived in Novi Sad

A group of religious worshipers who were in the Banjska monastery in the north of Kosovo, while it was under siege, arrived in Novi Sad last night, where they were welcomed by the mayor, Milan Djurić.

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