SNS wins nearly 55% in Vojvodina provincial assembly vote

The Provincial Election Commission (PIK) announced late on Monday the preliminary results of the elections for the Provincial Assembly of Vojvodina.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 26.04.2016.


SNS wins nearly 55% in Vojvodina provincial assembly vote
Jelena Zlojutro (Tanjug)

SNS wins nearly 55% in Vojvodina provincial assembly vote

According to this, the Serb Progressive Party (SNS), previously in oppositon, has won 54.17 percent of the vote.

Jelena Zlojutro of PIK told reporters that the Provincial Electoral Commission had received the data from 1,064 out of 1,785 polling stations in Vojvodina.

Second placed is the coalition around the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), which won ten percent of the vote, followed by the League of Vojvodina Hungarians (SVM) with 9.17 percent, the Democratic Party (DS) - until now in power in the province - and the Serb Radical Party (SRS) with 8.33 percent each, while the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina (LSV) was fifth with 5.83 percent.

Represented in the AP Vojvodina Assembly will also be the Hungarian Autonomy Movement which won 3.33 percent and the Green Party with 0.83 percent of the vote.

The processed sample does not include the polling stations in the South Banat District, a number of polling stations in some municipalities of the Srem District, as well as results from Novi Sad, as the data from these polling places have not yet been processed, PIK said.

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