Vučić: There are no fears for Serbia; "Everyone lashes out on the small and the weak"

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, is a guest on the special show "Prva tema" on TV Prva by Marija Savić Stamenić.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 24.12.2021.


Vučić: There are no fears for Serbia;
Foto: Printskrin/Prva TV

Vučić: There are no fears for Serbia; "Everyone lashes out on the small and the weak"

At the very beginning, the President of Serbia referred to the rockets that arrived from Russia.

"We took rockets from Russia. Kornet-EM Anti-Tank Guided Missile System is the best in the world, better than the American javelin man-portable anti-tank missile, a great reinforcement for the Serbian Army," Vucic said.

Vučić added that Croatia will get "Rafale" in three years. "These are extraordinary planes, we will see. I would like us to get the same, but new ones. In three years, I believe that we will drastically strengthen the Air Force and Air Defense, and there is no fear for Serbia. We must be someone who cares about defending our country in order to deter anybody who could threat us. Peace is the most important thing for us, everyone lashes out on the small and the weak", said Vucic.

Vučić said that in three years we will have a significantly greater force than today, although today we are much stronger than we were a few years ago.

"By investing in our purpose-built industry, we are strengthening Uzice and Lucane, and all the places where factories are. I am happy with today's delivery. Kornets work unmistakably, they are called tank killers, you could see that in the footage from Syria," Vucic said.

About the elections

President said that he had many difficult and important state affairs ahead of him before he decided on his candidacy, and he commented on the traffic jam on the highways in Serbia.

"We are looking to finish the road from Pakovraća in the next few weeks, which would save the people of Čačak from the crowds. We also have a lot of work around energy, railways to Novi Sad. We have a dozen more hospitals that we have to finish in the next three months. Somewhere around February 15 and March 1, we will decide," the president said.

President of Serbia said that there is a lot of research, and that he is only interested in what will be shown on April 3. Three things are important. Elections are not a game, but too serious a thing. I say that because we had a touch of frivolous approach to the elections themselves. This is where people decide their future. We also have to decide our European path, and the referendum is in question. I call on people to come out and vote 'yes' ", president said.

Vučić says that today the public reacts to every decision of the judiciary, and that the goal is for us to never repeat that politicians decide who will be appointed a judge like in 2009. "Parliament will no longer elect them. That is much better than today, the judges will be completely independent. That is the essential thing. You have Vlado Djukanovic, who is a prominent member of the SNS, but he said he would vote against."

President says it will be very bad if the referendum does not pass, and it would send a very bad message. He also commented on the people who were announced as candidates for president, from Vladeta Janković to Dr Nestorović.

"They say that as soon as I am not president, I will go to prison, and that they will persecute my family. If I do not go to the polls, then I voluntarily agree to be shot. Where is the logic? Those stories are told by people who are not responsible or serious", he said. As for Nestorovic, Vucic said that he decorated him. "I do not agree with all his views, but I will not speak ill of him," Vucic said.

President emphasized that it will be an interesting match. "I think that people will vote for the future and that they want to vote for hard and diligent work," he emphasized. He says he will not threaten anyone with shootings or the Romanian scenario, regardless of who the candidate is.

Goran Markovic said that it was unlikely that the regime would fall peacefully, and that he hoped that Vucic had Ceausescu's fall before his eyes, to which the president said that hypocrisy was at work.

"What did they do? If I had said that, it would have been before the Council of Europe, the European Parliament would have been convened. The second they realized that what was done was bad, they expected me to insult or curse it. I did not say anything ugly to Goran Markovic. It never occurred to me to say an ugly word to him. And then you see that based on what the tycoon media is doing, a campaign is being launched against Darija Kisic. She is a woman who reacted to the most terrible unequivocal threat," he said.

He says that the worst attacks on Minister Kisić Tepavčević started instantly, and that they insulted her. They simply don't let anyone think differently.

Energy situation

Vučić said that there were no problems with electricity or gas supply.

"People need to understand that we are more serious about energy, and many looked at me like crazy when I warned about what would happen, I was hosted at your television in October. I said then that we are not at ease until the first of January, as officials in the energy sector have said. Tomorrow, they are shutting down nuclear power plants in Germany, forcing the French to counter. What do you expect, how do you think there would be electricity? How do you think Pristina has electricity? We will have it, all systems are working," said Vucic.

He pointed out that today we produced 108 thousand megawatt hours of electricity, which covered 90 percent of our own production. Vučić said that we are spending less money today, and that our budget can handle that. "I'm interested in how France, which spends 150 million euros a day, will bear it. You have nowhere to buy electricity, but on the stock exchange. The price of electricity will not increase for citizens, as I said."

Vučić stated that our public debt will not exceed 57 percent of GDP, and said that health workers will be paid 10.000 dinars at the end of January or in early February.

"Pensioners will receive 20.000 dinars. Our salaries are growing fast, mostly in the army and in health care. We will have to take care of the police as well."

Vučić said that he would talk to Vladimir Putin tomorrow. "I am persistent, I will look for new quantities of gas. But we will talk about other things, it is the end of the year. To repeat once again, there will be no increase in the price of gas and electricity," he said.

About coronavirus and omicron strain

President said he was worried about the new strain of coronavirus.

"The number of infected people in Belgrade is not decreasing. If the omicron starts to run wild, we do not have hospital capacities for people," Vucic pointed out.

According to him, the fear is great.

"I don't know what will happen in a month or two. They say it's easier, milder clinical picture, but what can we do in case of large number of infected? We have provided all the best that exists, but we cannot build ten hospitals tomorrow. The only thing I think is to build another big hospital", said Vučić, adding that we will see what will happen when the temperature is -10.

"It's +10 now. We have to fight. These are all the issues that bother me and that are priority compared to the elections, we have to provide many important things," he said.

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