France ratifies SAA with Serbia

France has ratified the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) which Serbia signed with all the EU member states.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 24.11.2011.


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France has ratified the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) which Serbia signed with all the EU member states. The French National Assembly adopted on Thursday a draft law approving the ratification while the Senate did it on July 12. France ratifies SAA with Serbia The document needs to be signed by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, which should happen very soon bearing in mind that both the president and the government have proposed the ratification of the SAA with Serbia. France is the 23rd state that has ratified the SAA. The ratification procedure in the remaining four EU member states – Lithuania, the Netherlands, Belgium and Romania, is underway. The first EU member state to ratify the SAA with Serbia was Spain, that did it in June 2010. The agreement between Serbia and the EU was signed in the spring of 2008.

France ratifies SAA with Serbia

The document needs to be signed by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, which should happen very soon bearing in mind that both the president and the government have proposed the ratification of the SAA with Serbia.

France is the 23rd state that has ratified the SAA. The ratification procedure in the remaining four EU member states – Lithuania, the Netherlands, Belgium and Romania, is underway.

The first EU member state to ratify the SAA with Serbia was Spain, that did it in June 2010.

The agreement between Serbia and the EU was signed in the spring of 2008.

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