EP delegation: Croatia's measures are "unacceptable"

Aleksandar Vucic has received a delegation of EP's Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) and the Subcommittee on Human and Minority Rights (DROI).

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 24.09.2015.


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EP delegation: Croatia's measures are "unacceptable"

European parliament representatives "praised Serbia's progress in the EU accession process, and expressed expectation that the first negotiating chapters will be opened by the end of the year."

They also "highlighted the importance of the policy of regional stability led by Prime Minister Vucic and the government of Serbia."

Vucic "explained that the decision of Croatia to ban the passage of freight traffic from Serbia, as well as the entry of our citizens on its territory, has nothing to do with solving the migrant crisis, but represents a breach of the Stabilization and Association Agreement, which is why Serbia expects the EU to react on this matter."

He added that the Serbian government is "ready to contribute even more to solving the migrant crisis and that Serbia, although not a member of the EU, has accepted the suggestion of EU officials."

European MPs "praised the way in which the authorities and the citizens of Serbia treat refugees and noted that even some EU member states failed to act properly in the acceptance of refugees and their treatment."

They stated that the measures taken by Croatia unilaterally on the border with Serbia are "unacceptable and that individual decisions do not lead to a solution of the migrant crisis."

According to the government, participants in the meeting "confirmed Serbia's progress in implementing the policy of promoting the rights of national minorities and the situation of minority groups, as an important element of the rule of law," and "noted that it is a very demanding field, even for EU Member States."

The meeting was also attended by Minister without Portfolio responsible for EU integration Jadranka Joksimovic.

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