CoE concerned about reparations to wartime victims

CoE Human Rights Commissioner Nils Muiznieks has sent a letter to Serbian Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs Minister Aleksandar Vulin.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 23.09.2016.


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CoE concerned about reparations to wartime victims

"I should like to take this opportunity to follow up on the issue of reparations to victims of wartime crimes, which was addressed in my report of July 2015 following my official visit to Serbia. The issue is of the utmost importance for the ongoing process of achieving social cohesion as well as justice and lasting reconciliation in the region as a whole," Muiznieks writes, and adds:

"In my report I expressed concern about the fact that many victims of crimes committed during the wars in the 1990s remain without access to adequate and effective reparations by Serbia. I noted with interest that a new bill on the rights of veterans, disabled veterans, civilian disabled war victims and their family members had been prepared and that public consultations on the bill were completed in December 2014."

Although the bill significantly improved the legal status of veterans and military victims of war, Muiznieks continues, "it excluded certain categories of war victims (estimated at 15,000), such as families of missing persons, victims of wartime sexual violence, and victims of action by Serbian armed forces."

"I have also been the recipient of reports indicating that the valuable expertise of civil society organizations that have been active in this field for many years has not been fully taken into account in this legislative process. According to my information, the bill has not yet been tabled in the parliament. I would very much welcome any further information you may provide m with on the bill's progress and the possibility of expanding its scope so that all victims of wartime crimes are provided with adequate and effective reparation, in line with internationally established standards," the CoE commissioner writes, and concludes:

"I look forward to receiving your reply and continuing a constructive dialogue."

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