Slovak FM “didn’t bring new conditions to Belgrade”

The EU has clearly and publically defined conditions that Serbia needs to fulfill in order to start the accession talks, the Slovak Foreign Ministry has said.

Izvor: Danas

Friday, 22.06.2012.


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The EU has clearly and publically defined conditions that Serbia needs to fulfill in order to start the accession talks, the Slovak Foreign Ministry has said. The conditions can be found together with conclusions of the European Council, daily Danas writes. Slovak FM “didn’t bring new conditions to Belgrade” The Slovak Foreign Ministry told Danas that “a news article mentioning additional conditions for Serbia causes confusion”. “Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak did not bring any new conditions to Belgrade during his visit in May. At a meeting with Serbian leaders Lajcak passed the same messages he told the media,” the Slovak ministry stressed. Belgrade-based daily Politika reported recently that the EU has new conditions for Serbia regarding Kosovo if the country wanted to continue the EU integration process. According to Politika, Belgrade will have to implement the agreements reached with Pristina in Brussels, to abolish the so-called parallel institutions in northern Kosovo, to open an office in Pristina and allow Pristina to open its office in Belgrade, to close the Kosovska Mitrovica Court, to accept a special country code for Kosovo and to agree to top-level meetings between Belgrade and Pristina if it wants to continue the EU integration. Miroslav Lajcak (Tanjug, file) Danas

Slovak FM “didn’t bring new conditions to Belgrade”

The Slovak Foreign Ministry told Danas that “a news article mentioning additional conditions for Serbia causes confusion”.

“Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajčak did not bring any new conditions to Belgrade during his visit in May. At a meeting with Serbian leaders Lajčak passed the same messages he told the media,” the Slovak ministry stressed.

Belgrade-based daily Politika reported recently that the EU has new conditions for Serbia regarding Kosovo if the country wanted to continue the EU integration process.

According to Politika, Belgrade will have to implement the agreements reached with Priština in Brussels, to abolish the so-called parallel institutions in northern Kosovo, to open an office in Priština and allow Priština to open its office in Belgrade, to close the Kosovska Mitrovica Court, to accept a special country code for Kosovo and to agree to top-level meetings between Belgrade and Priština if it wants to continue the EU integration.

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