Pristina signed abolition of tariffs?

Pristina-based Gazeta Express published a document stating, among other things, that it obliges Kosovo to abolish taxes on Serbia's goods, Sputnik reports

Izvor: Sputnik, KoSSev

Wednesday, 22.01.2020.


Pristina signed abolition of tariffs?
Ilustracija: Depositphotos/ lajo_2

Pristina signed abolition of tariffs?

It is a document signed in Berlin on the establishment of the Belgrade-Pristina airline.

Pristina portal claims that it allegedly possesses a complete document in relation to what the two parties published as a "letter of intent" as separate documents, specifying what the two parties individually had undertaken to deliver in order to restore airline.

According to a document from Pristina and KFOR with Lufthansa, Kosovo also commits that the freedom of movement agreements and the IBM agreement reached in Brussels will also apply to passengers, mail and cargo to be transported on this route, KoSSev reports.

"KFOR reserves the right to control airspace over Kosovo in accordance with the internationally recognized agreements of the NATO Mission in Kosovo. In accordance with the agreement, the Kosovo Civil Aviation Administration and KFOR will harmonize and sign an Agreement on the Coordination of Procedures on the Belgrade-Pristina line. Kosovo Civil Aviation Administration, Pristina Airport and KFOR are under an obligation to ensure a safe flight, including landing on the Belgrade-Pristina route", document said.

At the same time, Pristina's daily Koha Ditore estimates that "Kosovo's statehood is at stake" in a document signed by the Kosovo side in Berlin, as it avoids using the name of Kosovo institutions.

In a letter signed by Kosovo, the Kosovo Civil Aviation Authority is referred to as: "Kosovo Civil Aviation Authority" by the three signatory parties.

There is talk of opening a special line between Pristina and Belgrade, terminology of the names of state institutions is being avoided, Pristina daily writes.

Thus, there is no mention of ASHNA - abbreviation for the state Air Navigation Services Agency, and it only uses the "Air Traffic Unit" instead - a term that was used before Kosovo declared independence, Tanjug reports.

Pristina daily believes that this shows that Kosovo and Serbian authorities have signed two different letters of intent, specific to their scope of work.

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