EU weaker, but still best place - Serbian PM

Serbia will strive firmly to be part of the EU, Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic has told Deutsche Welle, Germany's state broadcaster.

Izvor: Deutsche Welle

Thursday, 19.01.2017.


EU weaker, but still best place - Serbian PM
(Tanjug, file)

EU weaker, but still best place - Serbian PM

"Europe will have to be more united if the member states want it to survive. It looks much weaker than it was before, but I still think that the EU is the best place in the world to belong to - although it faces turbulences. Serbia will strive firmly to be part of the European Union. We share common values," he said.

When the interviewer remarked there were "many refugees in Serbia at the moment," and that the country "has been criticized by several EU member states for your approach to the refugee crisis," the prime minister replied:

"Serbia is being criticized by many EU members? I haven't heard of that - and if I had, I would react immediately, because our country received more migrants than more than 60 percent of the EU countries. We take care of the migrants in our country - but it's hard to take care of someone who wants to find a smuggler to enter the EU. These people avoid our reception centers, that is the main problem."

"We solve all the other problems on a daily basis and I think we showed solidarity with the migrants. We accepted the quota system (for the distribution of refugees in Europe) proposed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, which many EU members refused. We have 10,000 migrants in Serbia. How many are in Slovenia? How many are in Croatia? How many are in several other EU countries? None! That means that there is at least something that we do better than the EU member states," Vucic said.

Asked whether he expected "more support for Serbia in the refugee crisis," Vucic said:

"There are a lot of EU countries that always cry for more. We got something from the EU and we have been asked particularly by Germany whether we need more help. This is something that we could handle - so far. We'll see what happens in the future. If necessary, we'll ask for more help and assistance."

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