Journalist associations react to disappearance of journalist

Several journalist associations have expressed their deep concerned about the fate of Stefan Cvetkovic, <a href="" class="text-link" target= "_blank">a journalist who disappeared last night.</a>

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 14.06.2018.


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Journalist associations react to disappearance of journalist

"At the same time, we express strong support to Stefanov's family, friends and colleagues in the difficult moments of waiting for
information about the disappearance and in the hope that Stefan is well," the said.

"We recall that Stefan Cvetkovic has repeatedly complained about threats and pressure from political and economic centers. In recent months, he has worked to investigate the circumstances surrounding the murder of Kosovo politician Oliver Ivanovic. According to his own claims, on May 19 he was detained at the administrative crossing of Jarinje for questioning in connection with this case, and in February he held a press conference in Belgrade, where he showed photographs of people who are allegedly involved in the murder. Last year, he was in the first instance sentenced to more than two years in prison after he was sued by officials of the Serb Progressive Party," the press release said.

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