Starting points for chapter 35 "fully harmonized"

PM Aleksandar Vucic and EU leaders will on Monday in Brussels politically and legally open the first chapters in the negotiations on Serbia's EU membership.

Izvor: Beta

Friday, 11.12.2015.


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(Beta/AP, file)

Starting points for chapter 35 "fully harmonized"

The same sources confirmed for the Beta agency that the Committee of Permanent Representatives, ambassadors of EU member states, has fully harmonized the starting points for chapter 32 on financial supervision and 35 on normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

The EU-Serbia Intergovernmental Conference, where the green light for negotiations on the two chapters will be given by Vucic, the foreign minister Luxembourg, which presides over the EU, Jean Asselborn, and High Representative of the EU Federica Mogherini and EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn, will transfer the technical part of the negotiations to the European Commission and the Serbian authorities.

EU member states will, however, permanently monitoring the ongoing negotiations on all chapters via the Task Force for Enlargement, said Beta.

The report added that "EU circles expect that the EU and Serbia will open the key chapters 23 and 24 of the rule of law and fundamental freedoms at the start of the Netherlands's presidency, starting from January 2016."

EU foreign ministers will on Tuesday "confirm their commitment to the policy of admitting new members and the European perspective of the Western Balkans," according to a preparatory document for the session of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Union.

They will thoroughly discuss and adopt conclusions on the enlargement strategy and annual reports on progress by countries towards the EU by the European Commission, with the main focus on the results that are already have been achieved in the already opened negotiations by Serbia, Montenegro and Turkey.

The Council of Ministers will highlight the crucial need for enforcement of laws and strengthening of cooperation in the fight against terrorism.

EU ministers will "recognize in particular to Turkey, Serbia and FYR Macedonia's efforts in solving the refugee and migrant crisis, which has severely affected the area."

"It is expected that the EU Council of Ministers will support the ongoing efforts of the European Commission to implement key reforms, including rule of law, fundamental rights, economic development and strengthening the competitiveness and the strengthening of democratic institutions and accelerating of restructuring of the state administration," the preparatory document for the session.

EU ministers will also "exchange views on how to Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo are implementing association agreements with the EU," said the text quoted by Beta.

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