Obradović, Djilas and Trifunović met; Media: They agree on how to destroy the state

Boško Obradović, Dragan Djilas and Sergej Trifunović met, as "Alo.rs" writes, in a local tavern, while Aleksandar Vučić is fighting for Serbia in Paris.

Izvor: Alo.rs

Friday, 10.11.2023.


Obradović, Djilas and Trifunović met; Media: They agree on how to destroy the state
Foto: A.K./ATAImages

Obradović, Djilas and Trifunović met; Media: They agree on how to destroy the state

According to this media, Balša Božović, known for his anti-Serb views, which he proudly expresses on Twitter, where he's regularly being condemned by the majority of Serbian citizens, contributed to the picturesque line-up.

According to "Alo.rs", "everything is irrelevant when one's own country is being destroyed".

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