2008 embassy incident still "burdens U.S.-Serbia relations"

The setting of fire in 2008 to the U.S. embassy building in Belgrade continues to burden the two countries' bilateral relations.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 06.12.2016.


2008 embassy incident still

2008 embassy incident still "burdens U.S.-Serbia relations"

The embassy said they respected the rule of law in Serbia, but noted that the 2008 case is yet to be concluded, and "burdens our bilateral relations."

"We reiterate the call for a comprehensive examination of the facts and we expect that justice will be done as soon as possible," B92 was told at the U.S. embassy.

The Appellate Court in Belgrade on Monday overturned the ruling of the Higher Court against those who received suspended sentences, and ordered a retrial before the first-instance court.

The Appellate Court confirmed the verdict against one person found guilty, as well as two acquittals.

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