EU observers to publish report on elections

EU Election Observation Mission Chief Roberto Gualtieri will present the preliminary report on the local elections in Kosovo in Priština on Tuesday.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 05.11.2013.


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PRISTINA EU Election Observation Mission Chief Roberto Gualtieri will present the preliminary report on the local elections in Kosovo in Pristina on Tuesday. The preliminary report will include, as announced, the preliminary assessments of the EU Election Observation Mission regarding the election process since the beginning of October, when the mission was deployed, until the election day, November 3. EU observers to publish report on elections The EU formed an observation mission for the municipal vote with Roberto Gualtieri, member of the European Parliament, as its chief. Meanwhile, EU Special Representative in Kosovo Samuel Zbogar has announced the possibility that Kosovo’s municipal elections might be repeated at three polling stations in northern Kosovska Mitrovica, where he said vandals destroyed the electoral materials. Zbogar said that the Sunday vote was successful even in the Serb-majority municipalities in northern Kosovo, where elections were held for the first time since Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence in 2008. Zbogar told Radio-Television Slovenia that the voter turnout in the local elections in northern Kosovo was good. Zbogar said he expects "no appreciable deterioration in the security situation in Kosovo in the period ahead of the second round of voting on December 1," adding, however, that escalation of tensions is possible and increased presence of EULEX and KFOR is therefore necessary. Tanjug

EU observers to publish report on elections

The EU formed an observation mission for the municipal vote with Roberto Gualtieri, member of the European Parliament, as its chief.

Meanwhile, EU Special Representative in Kosovo Samuel Žbogar has announced the possibility that Kosovo’s municipal elections might be repeated at three polling stations in northern Kosovska Mitrovica, where he said vandals destroyed the electoral materials.

Žbogar said that the Sunday vote was successful even in the Serb-majority municipalities in northern Kosovo, where elections were held for the first time since Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence in 2008.

Žbogar told Radio-Television Slovenia that the voter turnout in the local elections in northern Kosovo was good.

Žbogar said he expects "no appreciable deterioration in the security situation in Kosovo in the period ahead of the second round of voting on December 1," adding, however, that escalation of tensions is possible and increased presence of EULEX and KFOR is therefore necessary.

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