"EU's pressure on Serbia will increase" - FM

Ivica Dačić has said that he "expect increasing pressure on Serbia to impose sanctions on Russia, as the conflict in Ukraine deteriorates."

Izvor: Danas

Thursday, 04.09.2014.


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"EU's pressure on Serbia will increase" - FM

The paper said that "given the very strong stand of the newly appointed EU high representative for foreign affairs and security policy, currently Italian FM Federica Mogherini towards Russia, Ivica Dačić emphasized that he expected more pressure on Serbia in terms of changes in its foreign policy towards the Ukrainian crisis."

"Depending on the situation in Ukraine, the position of the EU will form," said Dačić.

He added that, "in principle," he did not expect the appointment to change the stance that Catherine Ashton had toward Serbia.

"I expect mutual trust, understanding and partnership," said Dačić.

The daily noted that, "however, Ashton's successor only a day after her appointment said that Russia is no longer a partner of the EU and pointed out that Russian President Vladimir Putin is not working in the interests of his own citizens, strongly condemning 'the Russian aggression against Ukraine'."

She also announced tightening of EU sanctions against Russia for the end of this week.

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