Kosovo army would be rearmed KLA - Czech president

Czech President Miloš Zeman has said that creating the armed forces of Kosovo would only mean that the KLA, responsible for terrorist actions, has been rearmed.

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 03.04.2014.


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Kosovo army would be rearmed KLA - Czech president

Zemana also noted that the disbanding of the ethnic Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) "a component part of peace agreements."

"And now, they would effectively renew it. I am of the opinion that Kosovo, which a number of countries has not recognized, is, to put it mildly, a very strange state. A state with a strong influence of narco-mafias," he told Czech reporters on Wednesday, as he was wrapping up his two-day visit to Serbia.

Zeman also noted that it was suspected that the KLA was allegedly involved in human organ trafficking, and that a Council of Europe report in 2010 "warned of the accusations" that surfaced in the international public in 2008.

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