Brussels: Support for pro-European bloc

The EU says it must do everything to help the pro-European bloc in the May 11 Serbian parliamentary ballot.

Izvor: Tanjug

Sunday, 30.03.2008.


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The EU says it must do everything to help the pro-European bloc in the May 11 Serbian parliamentary ballot. This is the conclusion from yesterday's informal meeting of the organization's foreign ministers in Slovenia. Brussels: Support for pro-European bloc "We must offer maximal support [to these forces]… and we will do it," French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner was quoted as saying. This was seconded by his Luxembourg counterpart Jean Asselborn, who said the EU "wants pro-European forces to win on May 11". The meeting's host, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, said that "Serbia's future was the main topic of the gathering", as well as that the ministers agreed to "again discuss this country in the coming days, in order to secure certain concessions for it ahead of the elections". His German colleague Frank Walter Steinmeier said this might come in the shape of an offer of "scholarships in the EU countries". Holland, which is opposed to the signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with Serbia before Belgrade arrests and extradites Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic, according to Tanjug news agency, announced "creativity" in efforts to get Serbia near the EU as soon as possible. Bulgaria has launched a proposal that would allow Serbia to sign SAA with the European Union before May 11, Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ivaylo Kalfin said According to the Bulgarian proposal, the EU would then decide whether to ratify that agreement "depending on the new majority formed following the early parliamentary elections and its willingness to give credible signals about cooperation with the Hague", Bulgarian news agency BTA said. The Bulgarian foreign minister also underscored the need to step up the process of European integrations, as well as the need for the signing of a Stabilization and Association Agreement with every country of the Western Balkans region at the earliest possible opportunity. Meantime, Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic, who also attended, said it was "time to sign the SAA". He also welcomed announcements that visas required for Serbian citizens traveling to the EU countries could soon be abolished. EU's foreign policy chief, Javier Solana, expressed great satisfaction with the meeting's results, stressing that the Union has "once again shown resolve in its intention to maintain the European perspective in all the Western Balkans countries". "I am happy. I think we have once again demonstrated that the EU is leaning toward the Western Balkans," Solana was quoted. At the same time, EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn said, "this is a happy day for the European perspective of the Western Balkans". "Today's gathering builds on those in Thessaloniki in 2003, and Salzburg in 2006, giving a new impulse to the European integration of the Western Balkans," the Finnish diplomat said. Rehn also reminded that Serbia has initialed the SAA with the EU, and that it is up to the individual member states to appraise whether Belgrade has met the main condition – full cooperation with the Hague Tribunal. Ahead of the ministerial meeting, Rehn said that the EU could put together a new proposal for abolishment of visas with Serbia by the end of April, so that it may be adopted ahead of the May 11 vote. This move is seen as EU's boost for the pro-European forces in the early parliamentary elections. Happy with results: Solana, Rupel at the meeting yesterday (Beta)

Brussels: Support for pro-European bloc

"We must offer maximal support [to these forces]… and we will do it," French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner was quoted as saying.

This was seconded by his Luxembourg counterpart Jean Asselborn, who said the EU "wants pro-European forces to win on May 11".

The meeting's host, Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, said that "Serbia's future was the main topic of the gathering", as well as that the ministers agreed to "again discuss this country in the coming days, in order to secure certain concessions for it ahead of the elections".

His German colleague Frank Walter Steinmeier said this might come in the shape of an offer of "scholarships in the EU countries".

Holland, which is opposed to the signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with Serbia before Belgrade arrests and extradites Ratko Mladić and Radovan Karadžić, according to Tanjug news agency, announced "creativity" in efforts to get Serbia near the EU as soon as possible.

Bulgaria has launched a proposal that would allow Serbia to sign SAA with the European Union before May 11, Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ivaylo Kalfin said

According to the Bulgarian proposal, the EU would then decide whether to ratify that agreement "depending on the new majority formed following the early parliamentary elections and its willingness to give credible signals about cooperation with the Hague", Bulgarian news agency BTA said.

The Bulgarian foreign minister also underscored the need to step up the process of European integrations, as well as the need for the signing of a Stabilization and Association Agreement with every country of the Western Balkans region at the earliest possible opportunity.

Meantime, Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić, who also attended, said it was "time to sign the SAA".

He also welcomed announcements that visas required for Serbian citizens traveling to the EU countries could soon be abolished.

EU's foreign policy chief, Javier Solana, expressed great satisfaction with the meeting's results, stressing that the Union has "once again shown resolve in its intention to maintain the European perspective in all the Western Balkans countries".

"I am happy. I think we have once again demonstrated that the EU is leaning toward the Western Balkans," Solana was quoted.

At the same time, EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn said, "this is a happy day for the European perspective of the Western Balkans".

"Today's gathering builds on those in Thessaloniki in 2003, and Salzburg in 2006, giving a new impulse to the European integration of the Western Balkans," the Finnish diplomat said.

Rehn also reminded that Serbia has initialed the SAA with the EU, and that it is up to the individual member states to appraise whether Belgrade has met the main condition – full cooperation with the Hague Tribunal.

Ahead of the ministerial meeting, Rehn said that the EU could put together a new proposal for abolishment of visas with Serbia by the end of April, so that it may be adopted ahead of the May 11 vote.

This move is seen as EU's boost for the pro-European forces in the early parliamentary elections.

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