Ex-justice minister and MP dies

Christian-Democratic Party of Serbia (DHSS) leader and MP Vladan Batić has died after a long illness, the Serbian parliament has announced.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 29.12.2010.


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Christian-Democratic Party of Serbia (DHSS) leader and MP Vladan Batic has died after a long illness, the Serbian parliament has announced. The DHSS has confirmed that Batic died at the age of 62. He passed away after a long battle with throat cancer. Ex-justice minister and MP dies MPs today paid their respects by observing a minute silence for their deceased collegue. Batic was Serbia's justice minister from January of 2001 until early parliamentary elections in December of 2003. As a Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) candidate, he was elected MP in parliamentary elections in January 2007. Batic was also an independent MP in the new parliament after the May 2008 elections. Vladan Batic (Beta, file)

Ex-justice minister and MP dies

MPs today paid their respects by observing a minute silence for their deceased collegue.

Batić was Serbia's justice minister from January of 2001 until early parliamentary elections in December of 2003.

As a Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) candidate, he was elected MP in parliamentary elections in January 2007.

Batić was also an independent MP in the new parliament after the May 2008 elections.

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