International reactions to election results

Javier Solana awaits the formation of pro-democratic and pro-European government in Serbia.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 22.01.2007.


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International reactions to election results

"I hope very much that there will be a formation of a speedy government that will be in line with the European Union," Solana told reporters, when he arrived at a meeting of EU foreign ministers to discuss the elections, Kosovo and EU relations with Serbia.

“Democratic forces have won”, he added. 

The EU Foreign Ministers will convene to asses the results of Serbian elections and its influence on the future relationship of Serbia and the EU, among other issues on the agenda.

EU officials had called on Serbs to vote for a moderate government that would push ahead with democratic and economic reforms and fully cooperate with the U.N. war crimes tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands.

The vote will affect how a compromise is reached on the future status of the breakaway Kosovo province. Much anticipated proposals from U.N. mediator Martti Ahtisaari on Kosovo's future were delayed until after the elections. Solana said that it is too early to assess the impact of the election results on the future status of the breakaway province.

EU foreign ministers show support

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier greeted the outcome of Serbian elections, announcing that the “EU threesome” will soon pay a visit to Serbia.

German News Agency DPA said that Steinmeier is pleased that the democratic forces won more than two thirds of the vote.

“The outcome is a sound basis for creating the kind of government that will lead Serbia towards the EU. The EU wishes to encourage Serbia in her efforts to this end”, said Steinmeier, adding that the Radicals’ high score was expected.

US breathes a sigh of relief

US ambassador to Serbia Michael C. Polt congratulated the people of Serbia, sending a direct message of support. "The United States looks forward to continuing to work with you and your leadership as your country fulfills the promise of October 2000“, he said.  

“The preliminary results indicate free and fair elections on Sunday.  By their choices, the majority of Serbia's citizens have spoken out in favor of a secure, prosperous future inside the Euro-Atlantic community. It is now up to their chosen leaders to form a government that delivers such a forward-looking Serbia“, he concluded.

The US has welcomed the democratic course of Serbia’s parliamentary elections; breathing a sigh of relief that democratic parties scored well. In the US embassy press release, Polt revealed his assessment of yesterday elections.

“The first partial analysis of Serbian elections lead to the conclusion that the elections were democratic, in spite of some minor incidents. The democratically oriented parties won enough parliamentary seats to form the new government”, a US official told Tanjug.

He also added that the election results are in line with the pre-election prognosis, and that the US expects a rapid formation of a government-forming coalition.

“The US Senate adopted a resolution on Serbia a few of days ago, adding to overall  US support for Serbian democratically-oriented parties”, concluded the official.

Baburin: Radicals to enter government

Sergey Baburin, Vice-president of the State Duma, the lower house of the Russian parliament, said last night that Russian parliament representatives who monitored the voting in Belgrade, Niš, Požarevac, Novi Sad and Subotica did not notice major irregularities.

Baburin, who led the delegation of Russian observers, highlighted the fact that the results are more or less what was expected.

When asked about his assessments of post-election events, Barburin said that “the situation in Serbia after the election won’t change”.

“A so-called democratic government will probably be formed, while the party who won the most votes will be compelled to remain in the opposition”, Baburin said

“The parties to form the government will soon hear Martti Ahrisaari’s recommendations for the settlement of the Kosovo issue, and I deem their position unenviable. In my opinion, democratic parties are making a big mistake by not letting Serbian radicals partake in the government. Patriotic parties in Serbia are getting potentially stronger”, Baburin concluded.

The Hague: Full co-operation no matter what

The Hague Tribunal officials refused to comment on the outcome of Serbian parliamentary elections, but confirmed that the future government was to fully co-operate with the Tribunal, regardless of its structure.

“The main task of every Serbian government is to respect the international obligations that Serbia has assumed. The primary obligation is to co-operate with the Hague concerning the handing over of the accused”, said the spokesperson for the Hague Tribunal, Refik Hodžić.

Chief Prosecutor Carla del Ponte’s spokesperson Olga Kavran confirmed that the expectations of the Hague Tribunal remained unchanged.

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