Poll: Progressive Party is pro-EU, but its voters are not

A new B92/Ipsos Strategic Marketing poll shows that 49 percent of Serbians would vote "yes" in a referendum on the country's future European Union membership.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 18.04.2012.


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A new B92/Ipsos Strategic Marketing poll shows that 49 percent of Serbians would vote "yes" in a referendum on the country's future European Union membership. At the end of December, the government's EU Integrations Office said that its polls showed the figure to be 51 percent. Poll: Progressive Party is pro-EU, but its voters are not The B92/Ipsos survey was conducted in the second half of March and included 1,003 respondents. It further revealed that 34 percent of Serbians are opposed to EU membership, while five percent were undecided. 12 percent said they would not turn out to vote in such a referendum. In contrast to the 49 percent of Serbians who wished to see Serbia join the EU, only about a third said their opinion of the organization was positive. As for the effect of the respondents' party affiliation on their support for EU integrations, those voting for the pro-EU ruling Democrats (DS), and the Liberal-Democrats (LDP) are to a high degree in favor of a future membership - over 80 percent in both instances. On the other hand, although the opposition Serb Progressive Party (SNS) supports EU integrations, only 39 percent of their voters do as well, while 51 percent are opposed. In line with party politics, voters of the opposition Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) and the Serb Radical Party (SRS) are opposed to Serbia joining the EU - 44 and 69 percent respectively. B92 will on Thursday publish more results from the poll - showing how Serbians reacted when asked about the possibility of their country becoming a NATO member. B92

Poll: Progressive Party is pro-EU, but its voters are not

The B92/Ipsos survey was conducted in the second half of March and included 1,003 respondents.

It further revealed that 34 percent of Serbians are opposed to EU membership, while five percent were undecided. 12 percent said they would not turn out to vote in such a referendum.

In contrast to the 49 percent of Serbians who wished to see Serbia join the EU, only about a third said their opinion of the organization was positive.

As for the effect of the respondents' party affiliation on their support for EU integrations, those voting for the pro-EU ruling Democrats (DS), and the Liberal-Democrats (LDP) are to a high degree in favor of a future membership - over 80 percent in both instances.

On the other hand, although the opposition Serb Progressive Party (SNS) supports EU integrations, only 39 percent of their voters do as well, while 51 percent are opposed.

In line with party politics, voters of the opposition Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) and the Serb Radical Party (SRS) are opposed to Serbia joining the EU - 44 and 69 percent respectively.

B92 will on Thursday publish more results from the poll - showing how Serbians reacted when asked about the possibility of their country becoming a NATO member.

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