"EU must not repeat Kosovo mistake"

Former Spanish PM Jose Maria Aznar urged Brussels to tread carefully in the Caucasus.

Izvor: Tanjug

Sunday, 14.09.2008.


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Former Spanish PM Jose Maria Aznar urged Brussels to tread carefully in the Caucasus. "In the case of South Ossetia and Abkhasia, the European Union must not repeat the mistake it made with Kosovo," Aznar said in Turin on Saturday. "EU must not repeat Kosovo mistake" "The violation of Serbia's territorial integrity on the grounds of ethnic criteria was a serious mistake," Aznar, who heads the Spanish Foundation for Social Studies and Analyses, told an international conference and added that as a result, Russia had been brought into a good position to support the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhasia. "Russians claim that they are doing in the two Georgian provinces what the Americans and Europeans did in Kosovo. Russia played its cards very intelligently, using the incapability of NATO member-states to decide whether they would accept Georgia and the Ukraine as new NATO members," Aznar conluded.

"EU must not repeat Kosovo mistake"

"The violation of Serbia's territorial integrity on the grounds of ethnic criteria was a serious mistake," Aznar, who heads the Spanish Foundation for Social Studies and Analyses, told an international conference and added that as a result, Russia had been brought into a good position to support the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhasia.

"Russians claim that they are doing in the two Georgian provinces what the Americans and Europeans did in Kosovo. Russia played its cards very intelligently, using the incapability of NATO member-states to decide whether they would accept Georgia and the Ukraine as new NATO members," Aznar conluded.

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