Opposition leader: We choose Kosovo over EU

The opposition Serb Progressive Party (SNS) would "halt the European road", if the final condition for Serbia to join the EU would be to recognize Kosovo.

Izvor: Veèernje novosti

Friday, 08.07.2011.


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The opposition Serb Progressive Party (SNS) would "halt the European road", if the final condition for Serbia to join the EU would be to recognize Kosovo. This is according to party leader Tomislav Nikolic, who spoke for Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti. Opposition leader: We choose Kosovo over EU The province's ethnic Albanians unilaterally declared independence in February 2008, which Serbia rejected as an illegal act of secession. Nikolic, whose party polls as the country's most popular, along with the ruling Democrats (DS), said he was concerned about the outcome of the ongoing Kosovo dialogue, held in Brussels and sponsored by the EU. "The government is playing a dangerous game that excludes Serbia. Had we really won, Tadic would have been in Brussels to beat his chest, instead of this Borko," he said in reference to Belgrade team leader Borislav Stefanovic and agreements made in the last round of negotiations. The SNS leader said the negotiations should immediately switch to talks about Kosovo's status, but pointed out that there was no national plan concerning the most important issue. "Could (Ivica) Dacic's crowing about partition be our plan, so now we're waiting to see if he'll end up in a pot. Or the idiocy equal to high treason - that we should be neighbors with a Greater Albania," Nikolic stated, criticizing comments that recently came from the country's officials. Despite the fact a visiting delegation of German MPs recently said Serbia would be required to "de facto recognize Kosovo" before joining, the SNS leader believes the organization was "not so flippant as to fail to immediately mention this as the main condition". As for parliamentary elections that will likely take place in April, Nikolic said they will come at a bad time "for the citizens and SNS", but was confident about the party's success. Nikolic, who in April called a protest rally and then embarked on a hunger strike in a failed attempt to force early elections, told the newspaper that he was mulling organizing another rally in September. "I fear I wouldn't be able to organize another such peaceful and magnificent gathering. I see 100,000 people before me that would not agree to be invited and then to go home in the evening, without any changes taking place. Those would certainly jeopardize peace, security, and the reputation of the Serb Progressives," he concluded. Tomislav Nikolic (file)

Opposition leader: We choose Kosovo over EU

The province's ethnic Albanians unilaterally declared independence in February 2008, which Serbia rejected as an illegal act of secession.

Nikolić, whose party polls as the country's most popular, along with the ruling Democrats (DS), said he was concerned about the outcome of the ongoing Kosovo dialogue, held in Brussels and sponsored by the EU.

"The government is playing a dangerous game that excludes Serbia. Had we really won, Tadić would have been in Brussels to beat his chest, instead of this Borko," he said in reference to Belgrade team leader Borislav Stefanović and agreements made in the last round of negotiations.

The SNS leader said the negotiations should immediately switch to talks about Kosovo's status, but pointed out that there was no national plan concerning the most important issue.

"Could (Ivica) Dačić's crowing about partition be our plan, so now we're waiting to see if he'll end up in a pot. Or the idiocy equal to high treason - that we should be neighbors with a Greater Albania," Nikolić stated, criticizing comments that recently came from the country's officials.

Despite the fact a visiting delegation of German MPs recently said Serbia would be required to "de facto recognize Kosovo" before joining, the SNS leader believes the organization was "not so flippant as to fail to immediately mention this as the main condition".

As for parliamentary elections that will likely take place in April, Nikolić said they will come at a bad time "for the citizens and SNS", but was confident about the party's success.

Nikolić, who in April called a protest rally and then embarked on a hunger strike in a failed attempt to force early elections, told the newspaper that he was mulling organizing another rally in September.

"I fear I wouldn't be able to organize another such peaceful and magnificent gathering. I see 100,000 people before me that would not agree to be invited and then to go home in the evening, without any changes taking place. Those would certainly jeopardize peace, security, and the reputation of the Serb Progressives," he concluded.

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