Spanish envoy on Kosovo and EU bid

Spanish Ambassador Inigo de Palacio Espana says that he believes that Serbia will continue the EU integration process with no Kosovo status as precondition.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 07.06.2010.


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Spanish Ambassador Inigo de Palacio Espana says that he believes that Serbia will continue the EU integration process with no Kosovo status as precondition. “Many top-ranking European officials said that this issue will not be set as prerequisite to Serbia's EU admission. I still believe that Serbia will be able to make progress toward EU,” the Spanish ambassador said. Spanish envoy on Kosovo and EU bid He added that at the same time, an agreement between Belgrade and Pristina (Kosovo Albanian authorities) should be reached in future. “I am not certain whether the status of Kosovo will be changed in future, and Belgrade and Pristina are to decide what kind of future they would like to have, while many issues need to be addressed in the field,” Espana stated. UK Ambassador in Belgrade Stephen Wordsworth stated last week that the Kosovo issue and Serbia's EU integration were “no longer separate paths”, and that “no one in EU wants new Kosovo status negotiations”.

Spanish envoy on Kosovo and EU bid

He added that at the same time, an agreement between Belgrade and Priština (Kosovo Albanian authorities) should be reached in future.

“I am not certain whether the status of Kosovo will be changed in future, and Belgrade and Priština are to decide what kind of future they would like to have, while many issues need to be addressed in the field,” Espana stated.

UK Ambassador in Belgrade Stephen Wordsworth stated last week that the Kosovo issue and Serbia's EU integration were “no longer separate paths”, and that “no one in EU wants new Kosovo status negotiations”.

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