Report: Italian temporary EU Kosovo representative

Supervision of Kosovo’s independence depends of the progress that will be made in the implementation of the Ahtisaari plan, Pieter Feith has said.

Izvor: FoNet

Friday, 06.05.2011.


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Supervision of Kosovo’s independence depends of the progress that will be made in the implementation of the Ahtisaari plan, Pieter Feith has said. The head of the International Civilian Office stated this during his meeting with Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci. Report: Italian temporary EU Kosovo representative RTK and Klan Kosova TV stations have reported that Italian diplomat Fernando Gentilini has been appointed temporary EU special representative in Kosovo. According to Pristina media, Feith said that the Ahtisaari plan should be implemented in the entire territory of Kosovo. Thaci and Feith agree that building of institutions in Kosovo should continue in order to end the supervised independence. Feith pointed out that the International Civilian Office would be dedicated to strengthening of Kosovo’s institutions and try to get recognition from the countries that still have not recognized Kosovo’s independence.

Report: Italian temporary EU Kosovo representative

RTK and Klan Kosova TV stations have reported that Italian diplomat Fernando Gentilini has been appointed temporary EU special representative in Kosovo.

According to Priština media, Feith said that the Ahtisaari plan should be implemented in the entire territory of Kosovo.

Thaci and Feith agree that building of institutions in Kosovo should continue in order to end the supervised independence.

Feith pointed out that the International Civilian Office would be dedicated to strengthening of Kosovo’s institutions and try to get recognition from the countries that still have not recognized Kosovo’s independence.

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